Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tweaked Vamp...

Hail to Heddon...

This venerable ol' puppy has lured it's fair share of fish to net, and it could easily do it again. Well, that's if I ever decided to get it wet again. :-)

It's pretty well retired now, but, I'm takin' offers. ;-)

Custom Vamp

Yup, that's a genuine Customized Heddon Wood Vamp, fellow fishermen and women...

She's not too pretty perhaps, unless you mean deadly? Then this cool old "chopped" Heddon Vamp, is that! Pretty Deadly.

Do you have any custom stuff ya wanna show the folks in here? Well jeepers then, don't be shy. Just send it in the comments box on this page and we'll get 'er showcased for you... :-)


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