This is the face of one Very content, healthy and Happy little boy, raised in various Outdoorsy slanted type of environs. His smiling little face told here on the couch, of how he dug sharing his little life with his sister and I all the time. His way of showing his Love back, for us. Yup, our little Lee here, was who some would call, a Natural! Born into a family who knew and loved the Natural things in life. He ate all of the wild foods that we ate and was never left out of anything, because he was too young. This awesome little boy was a total charm to be with at all times. He had an amazing disposition. It's hard to explain sort of, but a powerful feeling of closeness and bottomless Love consumed me, anytime he was near, or even when I thought of him. It is my belief he felt that super deep love oozing from me and reciprocated naturally, in his own ways, as any child would...
This was a love that went deeper even, than the Love I had for his mother, if you can believe that. This thing called Love, is capable of being found early in life as well, if it is indeed presented in the first place. Lots of children, grow up, never knowing the true meanings of and or experiencing, their own real love. A natural and unconditional love. I suppose that's why So many people own Dogs. They are seeking LOVE. And that my dear reader, is a real pity...
So, I say unto you this day. If You have children, Please get them started towards the Outdoorsy world asap and shower them with all the different Loves that you know about. Do Not limit their potential Greatness, with stuff like, they are too young or you're too busy or whatever. Do your job, and be all you can be for those precious children of yours. They will be all grown up and gone far too soon and you Do Not want to have a bunch of regrets to remember,eh? :-)
P.S. Tell them that you Love them, a few more times to-day. It'll get their attention, I'm bettin' on it. :-)
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