Well, I made it down to the river again, right after work, yesterday. The little Pentax again proved worthy of any talents which I may have, in the recording visuals department. This little point and shoot is too much! The E30 handles SO many situations, so easily. I can't praise it enough! A great investment for me...
To start off with, here's a couple of shots of one of my favorite wild foods, the common Milkweed. Both the blossoms and the little buds, along with the young shoots of Spring, are quite edible for most people, or at least, I've been eating them for a long time now anyway and I'm still kickin', as they used to say. ;-)
Milkweed in blossom...
Fresh Milkweed buds...
Anyone else see 3 food sources here? :-)
Plenty of food in this picture! Can you spot it all?
Here's one of little B-buddy, just a bumblin'... :-)
Just bumblin' around...
Last up, a fresh batch of Butter & Eggs for ya, with a tiny drop of a golden nectar of the Gods, at the end of each blossom's tip...mmmmm
Butter and Eggs...
Headin' out later on this mornin' to catch some rays on the bike.Maybe I'll take a few casts and check out how some of my custom lures work, down there in the big O, too perhaps?
Wishing All A Happy New Year...!
5 years ago