Saturday, May 31, 2008

Best books department...

Good books I love...

I've always liked to read and most of what I read was non-fiction or reality based books and stuff. Here's a couple that You might find as good as I did. Two of my favorite authors too, by the way. Tom Brown Jr. and Richard Bach, have both filled my mind with wonderful thoughts and prompted me towards various actions in my life. They both have written a number of books, most of which I've also read. These great books are right up there in the meat and potatoes department, if you catch my drift. ;-)

This man has made his life study, Nature and all it's inter-twine-ing ways... I've learned MUCH from this real life, modern day Outdoorsman...

Survival Masters Handbook

If you haven't yet read any of Richard Bach's books, you are missing out on some of life's super lessons. This one is perhaps, his very Best, in my opinion, but he does have some other AWESOME books on the market still to-day...

Everything is an Illusion...

Only fiction, but SO realistic and easy to for-see happening around here fairly soon if things keep on going the way they are and all...

Last Canadian...

Check them out and see if these fine soft cover books don't make your favorite authors list in their category... :-)


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tweaked Vamp...

Hail to Heddon...

This venerable ol' puppy has lured it's fair share of fish to net, and it could easily do it again. Well, that's if I ever decided to get it wet again. :-)

It's pretty well retired now, but, I'm takin' offers. ;-)

Custom Vamp

Yup, that's a genuine Customized Heddon Wood Vamp, fellow fishermen and women...

She's not too pretty perhaps, unless you mean deadly? Then this cool old "chopped" Heddon Vamp, is that! Pretty Deadly.

Do you have any custom stuff ya wanna show the folks in here? Well jeepers then, don't be shy. Just send it in the comments box on this page and we'll get 'er showcased for you... :-)


Friday, May 16, 2008

Surrounded by Nature...

Is Nature all around us, or what? Everywhere I go, beautiful Nature. Praise the Lord for this little Pocket Pentax I've been field testin'. It records whatever I've pointed it at, whenever I want. And, this Optio, does it very accurately, to boot. I just LOVE this high-tech marvel!

Go take a little tour over to Flickr and have a peek at some of the shots I've been recording lately. Hope you enjoy them. :-)

Oh ya, if You have lots of pictures on your hard drive or dvd's, You can make good use of Flickr too. It's all free and just amazing what it can do for YOU!

Here's a link to my Photostream, as they call it over @ Flickr...

Flickr'N'Bourgeois :-)



Thursday, May 08, 2008


Got in a nice road trip earlier in the week and thought I'd share a few pics in here with you.

Old Ontario Farm

Out the window...

Nice rock cut

More later...
